The allure of Cyprus
Cyprus has become a favoured destination for international businesses and a leading headquartering location. Here is a glimpse of why the island is an ideal base for your company.
- Company registration is a fast and straightforward procedure.
- Low set-up costs.
- The Cyprus tax and legal systems are fully compliant with EU and OECD requirements against harmful tax practices.
- As an official EU member, Cyprus has implemented all respective EU Directives.
- Cyprus does not impose any inheritance tax.
- Outbound dividends are not subject to any withholding taxes unless distributed to Cyprus tax resident individuals, in which case they are subject to Special Defence Contribution (SDC). However, if outbound dividends are distributed to ‘non-domicile’ Cyprus tax-resident individuals, they are fully tax-exempt.

Make the most of an ideal EU base for your business in a country strategically located at the crossroads of three continents
Learn more about our services- Cyprus does not impose capital gains tax on the disposal of shares unless the disposal is related to immovable property situated in Cyprus. Such gains are exempt if the immovable property is located outside of Cyprus.
- Cyprus has concluded an extensive number of Double Tax Treaties (DTTs) for the avoidance of double taxation.
- Tax paid abroad can be credited against any tax payable in Cyprus on such income, irrespective of any double tax treaty.
- Profits from Permanent Establishment maintained outside the Republic are exempt under easily met conditions.
- Profits from the sale of securities are exempt.
- National interest deduction of 80% on taxable income is permitted annually on new capital introduced to a company after 1 January 2015.
Enjoy peace of mind in a country well known for its effective and transparent regulatory and legal framework
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